Meidän onneksemme sade lakkasi ja perille päästyämme aurinkokin näyttäytyi pilvien takaa. Metsä oli oranssin lehtikerroksen peitossa ja joka puolella oli taianomaisen kaunista. Oli kuin olisimme astuneet taikametsään tai hobittien valtakuntaan. Pieni tuulenvire tiputteli puista jäljellä olevia lehtiä ja loi metsään entistäkin upeamman tunnelman. Kävelimme muutaman kilometrin lenkin, mutta pysähtelimme evästauolle ja otimme sadoittain kuvia, joten lenkki kesti ehkä vähän kauemmin kuin mitä sen olisi pitänyt. Minulla olisi näyttää kuvia myös Luxembourgin keskustasta, mutta mielestäni nämä kuvat antavat paljon kauniimman kuvan tästä pienestä maasta!
I don't think I would've ever visited Luxembourg if it hadn't been for a picture I found online. A picture of a magical looking forest on the outskirts of Luxembourg. And so from France we traveled up to see this place with our own eyes, even with the risk of finding a cold and dreary forest full of trees stripped from their leaves. Traveling in October has its risks, and it so happened that on the morning of our trip it was pouring down with rain. I feared that we would not find what we were looking for.
Lucky for us the rain stopped and the sun came out before we got to our destination. The forest was covered in a bright orange blanked of leaves. It was so magical, it was like we had stepped into an enchanted forest or the world of hobbits and goblins. The wind carried falling leaves from the trees, creating an even more unrealistic feeling to the woods. We walked for a few kilometers, stopping for pictures every now and then. Of course I would have pictures of Luxembourg city to show you, but I believe that these pictures give a much more beautiful picture of this small country.
Lucky for us the rain stopped and the sun came out before we got to our destination. The forest was covered in a bright orange blanked of leaves. It was so magical, it was like we had stepped into an enchanted forest or the world of hobbits and goblins. The wind carried falling leaves from the trees, creating an even more unrealistic feeling to the woods. We walked for a few kilometers, stopping for pictures every now and then. Of course I would have pictures of Luxembourg city to show you, but I believe that these pictures give a much more beautiful picture of this small country.