Lähtiessämme pois vuorelta kävimme First Gliderissa. Tämä oli siis kotkan näköinen hökötys, jossa maattiin kasvot kohti maata ja se vei ylös vuorelle, jossa sitten päästi hurjaa vauhtia menemään takaisin alaspäin! Kyyneleet valuivat poskia pitkin, kun lensimme korkeuksissa. Oli kyllä hurja kokemus ja oli niin ihanaa jakaa se muiden au pair-tyttöjen kanssa. Tällaisen päivän jälkeen maistui kyllä ravintolan ruokakin melko hyvältä... Ja voin sanoa, että tällaisen adrenaliinitäyteisen viikonlopun jälkeen olin kotimatkalla melko poikki!
I can't recall when I've last had as much fun as I did at Grindelwald last sunday. Me and a group of other Finnish au pairs went hiking up First mountain and also walked to the Bachalpsee lake up there. The views were breathtaking, the company was brilliant and the weather spot on! I think I had a smile on my face the whole time we were up there, and I wouldn't be surprised if the other girls got sick of me admiring every little thing I saw. We drank from a river, had a picnic by a mountain lake and walked 15km that day, maybe even more to be honest. The whole time enjoying the views over the snowy alps, I don't think I could ever get sick of the sight of them! Time flew by but I'm glad we had time to do everything we wanted to.
On our way down the mountain we did the First Glider. It's an eagle looking machine thingy that you lay on face towards the ground. It then pulls you up the mountain and at the top lets you go! You fly down the mountain at a fast speed, feeling like you're flying! I'm so glad I got to share that experience with these amazing girls, we had so much fun! After a day like this we were fairly starving when we finally found a restaurant. And after all the adrenaline I had felt during that weekend I was pretty exhausted by the time I was on the train on my way home!